Sep 1, 2008

New Orleans Love

As I listen to the news of Gustave and New Orleans, I am reminded of my first trip there. It was 2007, a few years after Katrina. I’d always wanted to go, but work, time and just life got in the way. When I finally got there I wasn’t disappointed. Though there were a few naysayers about the New Orleans, most complained about safety, the condition of the city and as always the weather. I ignored them and went anyway. Coming from a large place like New York, most places dim in comparison. I tend to like places with unique personality, interesting people and memorable sights. I stay at a lovely little hotel in the Garden District on St. Charles Ave. I met great folks like Gee, who owned Sophie’s Gelato on Magazine Street. We had a great conversation about New York Chocolate Egg Cream. New Orleans delivered in every way. Of course, it seen better times, most cities have. What impression me were the people, their tenacity to love their home. New Yorkers are like that, we’re dumb and stubborn that way. It is a place like its Gumbo, a mix of spices, heat and comfort. I met great people there and would go back again and again.

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