Jun 11, 2008

Plan nothing

I know I haven't written lately. Crap! Life, so gets in my way. How do people manage their time? I can't, I tried. I decide to have schedule – ha! That doesn't work because I forget the schedule. I need deadline; dire consequences or somebody's life has to be in jeopardy. Then I'm Rambo. I'm like the MacGyver of problem solving, especially others people. Don't get me started with New Year's resolutions. Ten years ago, I decide never to make one, ever again – for the rest of my life! I don't start diets, relationships, savings accounts, emotional decision making on New York Year's Day. The most I could commit to is getting up to work everyday and writing. God bless writing. Compulsion is a good thing. As long as I have a compulsion to write, I'm pretty much set!

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