Mar 28, 2009

Change Is Good

Besides working on other projects, lately I’ve been thinking about the next Maggie and Odessa story. In Drop Dead Delicious, a few things have changed. Maggie is working in a P.I. office and toward her own license. Her husband Roger is starting to accept this new career choice and Rocket…well Rocket is just Rocket. Odessa’s caking making business is doing pretty well. Her boyfriend, Lee has maneuvered his way into her house and her sister Candace is …well Candace. Some things never change and some things do.

I love mystery series and often fall out of love with them when the characters don’t change at all. I don’t expect them to fall out of character but do expect them to change just a little. Considering the genre, lots of stuff happens so I expect my hero affected in some way and show it. Maggie and Odessa are changing. They will always be the great people they are but stuff happens.

How will Sweet Maggie manage in the tough world of Private Investigators? In her, own sweet way, of course. She’s still a great mother and wife. As for Odessa, she has a man in her house and no longer single. She still is a wise cracking, self-deprecating best cake maker in town.

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